
Neurofeedback involves learning to control and optimise brain function. It uses non-invasive training using sensors on the scalp to pick up the clients brain waves, which are then used to provide audio or visual feedback. It works toward improving the root source of symptoms. It differs from medicine as it treats the issue at its core, not the symptoms that result. 

Neurofeedback training has its foundations in basic and applied neuroscience as well as data-based clinical practice. It takes into account behavioural, cognitive, and subjective aspects as well as brain activity.

Have you ever wondered if you could see the signs of mental, emotional and cognitive symptoms in your brain?

QEEG Brain mapping is the initial assessment done before Neurofeedback training can take place. This is achieved via a comfortable cap placed on the head that has a number of sensors built in to record brain waves from the surface of the head. It maps the signatures at locations on the scalp that correspond to dysfunctional or unbalanced brain activity. Please see our page ‘QEEG Brain Mapping’ for more information.

Once the reading is analysed, training and support is identified to enable the brain to return to its optimal level. 

Once we can identify those areas of brain function that are unbalanced, we can potentially restore balance and improve symptoms using Neurofeedback. The ‘feedback’ part comes from using audio music or visual games, films or bar graphs to help train the brain to be in an more optimum state, the client can train different areas of the brain to produce more or less of a particular brain wave or frequency band and to improve communication between different areas of the brain. It’s fun and engaging and the client inevitably ends up learning a lot about how their unique brain functions. 

This is used for people of all ages to potentially help with issues such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), stress disorders, anxiety, panic attacks, autism, Aspergers, depression, headaches, migraines, concussions, sleep issues, addictions and even physiological disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and blood pressure.

It may also be used to potentially aid improvements in memory loss; to help individuals struggling with epilepsy, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Tourette’s Syndrome, obsessive/compulsive behaviours and aggression; as well as to help repair brain damage from a stroke or traumatic brain injury. 

Neurofeedback Session Frequency

Our Neurofeedback sessions are 50 minutes long, Neurofeedback training will last up to 30 minutes for an adult, 10-20 minutes for a child. The remainder of the session is used to set up and removal of the sensors (a quick, easy and non invasive process) and to check in with the client about their symptoms. We may also use the session to provide information and education on other aspects of mental or physiological health.

Neurofeedback sessions are carried out at the minimum, once a week but can be also more regular depending on your symptoms and ability to attend sessions. We ask that clients initially commit to once a week for ten sessions to be able to potentially see the best results, the brain needs consistency to learn and change. If there is a gap in sessions, we ask the client is aware this could potentially reduce results.

Progress is best when we see you on or around the same day at the same time each week. This is easiest if you establish a regular appointment schedule. Our 4:00pm time slots are the most popular, since school schedules allow for late afternoon availability. If you need a late afternoon appointment, we recommend that you book your appointments as early in advance as possible. We recommend that you attend a minimum of 15 sessions to have an opportunity to experience progress toward your goals. Neurofeedback is less like medication and more like a training regimen in noticing effects. Although most people see improvement within 1-5 sessions, some are later responders, sometimes depending on the presenting issues. It is reasonable to expect a 50% improvement and usually more to your most troubling problems with a full course of sessions.

Neurofeedback helpful tips

We ask all clients to do certain things to help with their Neurofeedback sessions

  • Please arrive on time for your appointment

  • Please let your neurofeedback practitioner know if you are going to late or if you need to change an appointment- give as much notice as possible.

  • Please make sure you have clean hair, either washed the day of or day before using only shampoo and not using conditioner or hair products such as gel etc. This can affect readings.

  • Please limit intake of caffiene (including tea, coffee, energy drinks and chocolate) and sugar before sessions as this can affect brain waves.

  • Take all medications as normal before sessions and never stop medications unless discussed with your medical doctor.

  • Let your practitioner know how you are and how your sleep has been before you start the session.

  • Please monitor how you are feeling during and after the session and let your practitioner know if you notice anything different.

  • Please fill in any forms or assessments we give you as soon possible as they will help us understand your symptoms more and be able to individualise your sessions.

  • Your practitioner should give you a contract to sign which sets out what we will do and what’s expected of you, please refer to your contract for more information or please get in touch.

Other ways we can help

Initial consultation

In our initial consultation and assessment process, the client meets with one of our licensed mental health care professionals so that we can best determine your needs and explain our process and training modalities in full.

QEEG Brain Mapping

A quantitative EEG is a brain map. This is an electrical measurement, analysis, and quantification of the brainwaves. The brainwaves are the brain’s verbing, or the action potentials of the brain.


This is a pioneering process that can enable the control of bodily processes that are normally involuntary, such as muscle tension, blood pressure, or heart rate.

Buteyko breathing

Named after Dr Konstantin Buteyko, the Buteyko Method consists of a series of breathing exercises and guidelines specifically designed to reduce over-breathing (clinically known as ‘chronic hyperventilation’)


Our highly skilled therapists provide a therapeutic approach that focuses on full recovery as opposed to a ‘temporary fix’. It is accessible for children, young people, and adults

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